ESCP-BMS1 Sensor3
https://www.nurturewing.com/en/ Nurturewing

ESCP-BMS1 Sensor

Key Attributes
Pressure Type  Absolute, Gauge, Differential
Pressure Range, Absolute 200mbara … 10bara
Pressure Range, Gauge 0barg … 11barg
Pressure Range, Differential ±10mbar … ±1bar
Power Supply 3.3V
Current Consumption, full operation < 1mA
Accuracy ±0.15% FSS
Total Error Band ±0.25% FSS
Operating Temperature -20C … +85C
Compensation Temperature 0C … +60C, -20C … +85C
Digital Output Calibrated Pressure & Temperature
Analog Output Calibrated Pressure
Overpressure Tolerance Up to 100x
Media Compatibility Gases


ES Systems has developed a series of board mountable pressure sensors targeting a variety of markets requiring high resolution and accuracy for gas pressure measurements. The ESCP-BMS1 is a silicon capacitive pressure sensor with state-of-the-art performance and exceptional quality. The MEMS pressure sensor die is underpinned by ES’ innovative SOI-surface micromachining technology.

ESCP-BMS1 is an absolutegauge or differential pressure sensor of ultra-high resolution with analog (0-3,3V), SPI or I2C interface. The output is fully calibrated, and temperature compensated based on the internal temperature sensor and the factory calibration coefficients which are stored in the embedded memory. The sensor is ready to be installed directly to the end system without further processing with medicalHVACindustrialcommercial & automotive applications. The total error including repeatability, hysteresis, non-linearity, thermal offset and calibration error between 0°C and 60°C is better than 0.25% FS.

Different power modes are available enabling low power operation. The sensor can be configured to provide both high accuracy 32-bit pressure and temperature outputs.

ESCP-BMS1 is a silicon capacitive pressure sensor with excellent long-term stability. The sensor is incorporated in a standard 8-pin DIP package with a single or two pneumatic ports. The top port is the high side and the bottom port is the low side.



– Based on silicon capacitive technology

– Exceptional accuracy

– Long-term stability

– High overpressure tolerance

– Low power

Industrial Applications


ESCP-BMS1 is designed but not limited for usage on the following industrial applications: Air Flow Measurement, Air Compressors, Air Movement Control, Actuators, Analytical Instruments, Automated Pneumatic Assembly Equipment, Chemical Analysis Controllers, Factory Automation, Fire Suppression System, Flow Calibrators Gas Chromatography, Gas Flow Instrumentation, Gaseous Leak Detection, Industrial Controls, Industrial Gas Supply, Industrial Pneumatic Devices, Leak Detection, Modulated Furnace Controls, Oxygen Concentrators, Panel Meters, Pressure Switching, Pressure Valves,  Process Control Pumps, Remote Monitoring Devices, Robotics, Valves, Vacuum Pump Monitoring and Variable Air Volume (VAV).

Medical Applications


ESCP-BMS1 pressure sensor is designed but not limited for usage on the following medical applications: Anesthesia Equipment, Breathalyzers, CPAP Equipment, Drug Dosing Equipment, Hospital Beds, Hospital Gas Supply, Hospital Room Air Pressure, Massage Machines, Medical Instrumentation, Nebulizers, Patient Monitoring Equipment, Respiratory Equipment, Sleep Apnea Equipment, Spirometers, Ventilators and Wound Therapy.

HVAC Applications


ESCP-BMS1 is designed but not limited for usage on the following HVAC applications: Airflow Monitoring, Clogged Filter Detection, Duct Air Flow, Environmental Control Systems, Filter Monitoring, Blocked Filter Detection and Indoor Air Quality.